- Unable to serialize the session state -
i tired wondering issue problem. have read many blogs , forums not able find out problem.
i using "sqlserver" mode store session.
everything working fine. whenever use search function in website, throws below error:
"unable serialize session state. in 'stateserver' , 'sqlserver' mode, serialize session state objects, , result non-serializable objects or marshalbyref objects not permitted. same restriction applies if similar serialization done custom session state store in 'custom' mode."
i assuming because of paging code have used on page. code below:
protected void page_load(object sender, eventargs e) { if (!ispostback) { string query = "select xxxxqueryxxxx"; sqldataadapter da = new sqldataadapter(query, con); dataset ds = new dataset(); try { using (con) {; da.fill(ds); } } catch { ds = null; } { if (ds != null) { custompaging page = new custompaging(); datatable dt = ds.tables[0]; page.pagesize = 10; page.datasource = dt; page.currentpageindex = 0; no = 1; session["dt"] = dt; session["page"] = page; binddata(page, dt); //set these properties multi columns in datalist datalist2.repeatcolumns = 1; datalist2.repeatdirection = repeatdirection.horizontal; } } } } void binddata(custompaging page, datatable dt) { try { datalist2.datasource = page.dopaging; datalist2.databind(); //datalist2.datasource = sqldatasource1; //datalist2.databind(); lbtnpre.enabled = !page.isfirstpage; //enable / disable navigation button // lbtnpre.cssclass = "disabledbtn"; lbtnnext.enabled = !page.islastpage; //lbtnnext.cssclass = "disabledbtn"; lblstatus.text = navigationindicator(); //build navigation indicator //for creating page index datatable dt1 = new datatable(); dt1.columns.add("pageindex"); dt1.columns.add("pagetext"); (int = 0; < page.pagecount; i++) { datarow dr = dt1.newrow(); dr[0] = i; dr[1] = + 1; dt1.rows.add(dr); } dlpaging.datasource = dt1; dlpaging.databind(); dlpaging.repeatcolumns = 10; dlpaging.repeatdirection = repeatdirection.horizontal; } catch (exception) { } { page = null; } } string navigationindicator() { string str = string.empty; //page x of y str = convert.tostring(((custompaging)session["page"]).currentpageindex + 1) + " of " + ((custompaging)session["page"]).pagecount.tostring() + " page(s) found"; return str; } protected void lbtnpre_click(object sender, eventargs e) { int pageindex = ((custompaging)session["page"]).currentpageindex; if (!((custompaging)session["page"]).isfirstpage) //decrements pageindex 1 (move previous page) ((custompaging)session["page"]).currentpageindex -= 1; else ((custompaging)session["page"]).currentpageindex = pageindex; //binds datalist new pageindex binddata(((custompaging)session["page"]), ((datatable)session["dt"])); } protected void lbtnnext_click(object sender, eventargs e) { int pageindex = ((custompaging)session["page"]).currentpageindex; if (!((custompaging)session["page"]).islastpage) //increments pageindex 1 (move next page) ((custompaging)session["page"]).currentpageindex += 1; else ((custompaging)session["page"]).currentpageindex = pageindex; //binds datalist new pageindex binddata(((custompaging)session["page"]), ((datatable)session["dt"])); } protected void datalist2_selectedindexchanged(object sender, eventargs e) { response.redirect("default2.aspx?partnumber=" + datalist2.datakeyfield[datalist2.selectedindex].tostring()); } protected void dlpaging_itemcommand(object source, datalistcommandeventargs e) { if (e.commandname == "select") { no = int.parse(e.commandargument.tostring()) + 1; ((custompaging)session["page"]).currentpageindex = int.parse(e.commandargument.tostring()); //binds datalist new pageindex binddata(((custompaging)session["page"]), ((datatable)session["dt"])); } } protected void dlpaging_itemdatabound(object sender, datalistitemeventargs e) { linkbutton btn = (linkbutton)e.item.findcontrol("lnkbtnpaging"); if (btn.text == no.tostring()) { btn.forecolor = system.drawing.color.maroon; btn.font.underline = false; } else { btn.forecolor = system.drawing.color.darkcyan; btn.font.underline = false; } }
i want know problem in coding , "how serialize session"? shold improve coding?
any appreciated.
thank you
i guess custom paging control not serializable. must cause of issue.
anyway, storing control in session not idea. store few serializable properties enable rebuild control (pagesize , currentpageindex), or pass them in query string example.
you use viewstate if can
about storing datatable in session, might bad idea if have lot of data , many connected users.
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