ios - Create NSURL with string containing "^" character gives a nil -
when try creating nsurl
containing "^
" character app crashs , console says:
fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping optional value
does faced before ?
it seems nsurl initializer gives nil object, , app crashs when trying enforce unwrapping it.
how can avoid getting nil instance of nsurl string containing such character?
here code, clarify things:
let searchmethod = "advancedsearch.php?" let searchparameters = "q=title:book^100%20or%20description:book^15%20or%20collection:book^10%20or%20language:book^10%20or%20text:book^1&mediatype:texts+and+not+hidden:true+and+collection:texts&sort%5b%5d=titlesorter+asc&rows=10&output=json&start=1" nsurl(string:"\(baseurl)/\(searchmethod)\(searchparameters)") print("url \(url)")
the nsurl nil,console gives :
url nil
" symbol not allowed url encoding.
use 1 swift:
let encodedurlstring = urlstring.stringbyaddingpercentencodingwithallowedcharacters(.urlhostallowedcharacterset())
or objective-c:
nsstring *encodedurlstring = [urlstring stringbyaddingpercentencodingwithallowedcharacters:[nscharacterset urlhostallowedcharacterset]];
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