java - How to implement a ClickListener for a button from a custom layout to use in a FragmentDialog -

i'm try set action imagebutton. when dialgofragment called , shown on screen, want preess button , action. when put action inside onclick in code below didn't work. i'm sure that's not right way of doing it.

i'm using class fragment:

public class generaldialogfragment extends dialogfragment {     @override     public view oncreateview(layoutinflater inflater, viewgroup container,                              bundle savedinstancestate) {  // inflate layout use dialog or embedded fragment         view v = inflater.inflate(r.layout.activity_dialog, container, false);          imagebutton mimagebutton = (imagebutton) v.findviewbyid(;         mimagebutton.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener(){             @override             public void onclick(view v) {                 string name = "";                 sharedpreferences prefs = getactivity().getsharedpreferences("my_prefs_name", context.mode_private);                 string yourmessage = prefs.getstring("msg", null);                 if (yourmessage != null) {                     name = prefs.getstring("msg", "no name defined");//"no name defined" default value.                 }                 scrolltextview txt = (scrolltextview) v.findviewbyid(;                 txt.settext(name);                 txt.settextsize(220);                 txt.startscroll();              }         });         return v;     } 

and in activity_dialog layout have imagebutton:

<imagebutton         android:layout_width="wrap_content"         android:layout_height="wrap_content"         android:id="@+id/image_button"         android:src="@drawable/ic_image_500px"/> 

edited: action in class above. error in action. have mainactivity press send button:

 public void send(view view){         edittext medittext = (edittext)findviewbyid(;         string message = medittext.gettext().tostring();         sharedpreferences.editor editor = getsharedpreferences("my_prefs_name", mode_private).edit();         editor.putstring("msg", message );         editor.commit();           intent intent = new intent(this, messageactivity.class );         startactivity(intent);      } 

it calls messageactivity call generaldialogfragment class shows imagebutton code:

dialogfragment mdialog = new generaldialogfragment();, "dialog tag"); 

because of v you've added before, it's working without errors:

view v = inflater.inflate(r.layout.activity_dialog, container, false);         imagebutton mimagebutton = (imagebutton) v.findviewbyid(; 


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