javascript - what improvements do i need to make to my form submission (for email) to stop the spam i am receiving and make my form more secure? -
every morning @ 10:53am hit 1-2 blank emails sort of entity using send.php file.
i know result of php send file on website, dont have knowledge of php. spent lot of time several weeks ago looking clear cut information telling me how setup input form php send , got far. know there absolutely glaringly obvious security holes in code.
i know doing wrong on form lock down dont hit spam anymore.
i have javascript honeypot, input field if hidden field gets selected changes value true false , form no longer submit form instead give user alert saying have submitted form, , page reloads (probably not great of solution).
i went ahead , replaced email
<?php $sname = $_post['name']; $slastname = $_post['last-name']; $semail = $_post['email']; $semailconfirm = $_post['confirm-email']; $sphone = $_post['phone-number']; $smessage = filter_var($_post['message'], filter_sanitize_string ); $formerrors = false; if ($sname === '') : echo "<div>sorry, first name required field</div>"; endif; //input field empty if (!(preg_match('/[a-za-z]+/', $sname)) ) : echo "<div>sorry, first name doesnt follow allowed pattern</div>"; endif; //pattern doesnt match if ($slastname === '') : echo "<div>sorry, last name required field</div>"; endif; //input field empty if (!(preg_match('/[a-za-z]+/', $slastname)) ) : echo "<div>sorry, last name doesnt follow allowed pattern</div>"; endif; //pattern doesnt match if ($semail === '') : echo "<div>sorry, email required field</div>"; endif; //input field empty if ($semailconfirm !== $semail) : echo "<div>sorry, emails must match</div>"; endif; //input field empty if ($smessage === '') : echo "<div>sorry, message has no content</div>"; endif; //input field empty if (!($formerrors)) : $to = ""; $subject = "from $sname $slastname -- $semail -- $sphone"; $message = "$sname filled out form"; $replyto = "from: $semail \r\n". "reply-to: \r\n"; if (mail($to, $subject, $smessage)): $msg = "thanks filling out contact form"; else: $msg = "problem sending message"; endif; //mail form data endif; //check errors ?>
the email every day says
from -- --
and doesnt have in text body
you never set $formerrors
if ($sname === '') : echo "<div>sorry, first name required field</div>"; endif; //input field empty
and other checks output error still process form.
if ($sname === '') : echo "<div>sorry, first name required field</div>"; $formerrors = true; endif; //input field empty
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