continuous integration - Configure Mysql 5.7 with Travis CI -

i can't run tests on travis ci because can't find way setup mysql 5.7 in container.

i've found gist explaining configuration method travis.yml. here commands :

sudo apt-get remove --purge "^mysql.*" sudo apt-get autoremove sudo apt-get autoclean sudo rm -rf /var/lib/mysql sudo rm -rf /var/log/mysql echo mysql-apt-config mysql-apt-config/enable-repo select mysql-5.7-dmr | sudo debconf-set-selections wget sudo dpkg --install mysql-apt-config_0.2.1-1ubuntu12.04_all.deb sudo apt-get update -q sudo apt-get install -q -y -o dpkg::options::="--force-confdef" -o dpkg::options::="--force-confold" mysql-server 

right after that, i'm doing :

$ mysql -uroot < tests/apibundle/datas/dump_test.sql error 1698 (28000): access denied user 'root'@'localhost' 

why ?? i've tried many things… , google not friend issue…

ok i've found out how reinstall mysql 5.6 in travis ci default container.

here needed in .travis.yml:

services:   - mysql sudo: true before_script:   - bash 

and here (edited @codyzu answer):

echo mysql-apt-config mysql-apt-config/select-server select mysql-5.7 |  sudo debconf-set-selections wget sudo dpkg --install mysql-apt-config_0.7.3-1_all.deb sudo apt-get update -q sudo apt-get install -q -y -o dpkg::options::=--force-confnew mysql-server sudo mysql_upgrade 

i hope facing same issue !


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