java - add linearlayout dynamically into a Relativelayout -

i have code , want add checkboxes dynamically inside linearlayout nested inside scrollview nested inside relativelayout( relativelayout->scrollview->linearlayout->my chechboxes)

li = (relativelayout) findviewbyid(;     scrollview sv = new scrollview(this); final linearlayout ll = new linearlayout(this); ll.setorientation(linearlayout.vertical); li.addview(sv); sv.addview(ll); for(int = 0; < 20; i++) {     checkbox cb = new checkbox(getapplicationcontext());     cb.settext("i'm dynamic!");     ll.addview(cb); } this.setcontentview(sv); 

but error:

03-12 20:32:14.840: e/androidruntime(945): caused by: java.lang.illegalstateexception: specified child has parent. must call removeview() on child's parent first. 

my relativelayout declared in xml file how can fix this?


this tries add scrollview framelayout, made li parent of sv... hence "the specified child has parent."

i believe can remove this.setcontentview(sv); since looks want add scrollview (et al.) relativelayout, not replace entire existing layout.


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