sql - How to Insert N Records in a Single Stored Procedure Call -

how accomplish being able insert unknown number of records database using single stored procedure call?

say have table definition:

create table phone(     phoneid int identity(1,1),     phonenumber varchar(20),     personid int ) 

and have following insert stored procedure:

create procedure dbo.usp_phone_insert     @phonenumber varchar(20),     @personid int  insert      phone  values     (@phonenumber, @personid) 

how able transform insert number of records in single call stored procedure?

i have blog posts code samples address topic.

performance comparison of singleton, xml, , tvp inserts http://sqlfool.com/2008/11/performance-comparison-of-singleton-xml-and-tvp-inserts/

bulk inserts xml http://sqlfool.com/2008/11/bulk-inserts-with-xml/

one-to-many inserts table-valued parameters http://sqlfool.com/2008/11/one-to-many-inserts-with-table-valued-parameters/



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