twitter bootstrap - Leaflet Control Layer shows up properly in one page and won't show up with the same code in other -

i trying use leaflet layer in website, tested in page working page, worked fine. copied code original website not working page, , tried running it, control layer doesn't seem same in test page. please me this, use in working test page.

on line 105 of style.css file you're globally styling input elements on page interferes leaflet's layer control. if remove width , height rules, ok:

input {   width: 85%;   height: 100%;   padding: 10px;   background-color: transparent;   color: rgba(255,255,255,1);   border: none;   font-family: "myriad set pro";   font-size: 1.1em; } 

you should consider applying style on selected elements using element id's or css classes. if google "how apply css html" you'll find lots of tutorials 1 below example. spare running stuff because can apply style element(s) specify.


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