AngularJS not working in Cloud9 Rails app per tutorial -

i'm doing tutorial called "zero deployment in less 10,000 words" learn incorporating angularjs ror app.


the tutorial designed mac os x, i'm using cloud9 having trouble bridging gap.

after going through steps setup "tiniest angular app ever", rails app works, angular not.

what i've done far:

  1. created new rails app in cloud9

  2. setup gemfile

    +gem 'sass', '3.4.19' +gem 'bower-rails'  +group :test, :development +  gem 'rspec-rails', '~> 2.0' +  gem 'factory_girl_rails', '~> 4.0' +  gem 'capybara' +  gem 'database_cleaner' +  gem 'selenium-webdriver' +end  -gem 'turbolinks' 
  3. bundle install

  4. vim config/database.yml

  5. rake db:create

  6. npm install bower -g

    /home/ubuntu/.nvm/versions/node/v4.1.1/bin/bower -> /home/ubuntu/.nvm/versions/node/v4.1.1/lib/node_modules/bower/bin/bower bower@1.7.2 /home/ubuntu/.nvm/versions/node/v4.1.1/lib/node_modules/bower └── semver-utils@1.1.1 
  7. created "bowerfile" in root directory

    touch bowerfile

  8. populated "bowerfile"

    +asset 'angular' +asset 'bootstrap-sass-official' +# vim: ft=ruby 
  9. rake bower:install

10. config/application.rb

    module workspace       class application < rails::application      +   config.assets.paths << rails.root.join("vendor","assets","bower_components")     +   config.assets.paths << rails.root.join("vendor","assets","bower_components","bootstrap-sass-official","assets","fonts")      +   config.assets.precompile << %r(.*.(?:eot|svg|ttf|woff|woff2)$)          config.active_record.raise_in_transactional_callbacks = true       end     end 
  1. change name of "application.css" "application.css.scss"

  2. application.css.scss

    @import "bootstrap-sass-official/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap-sprockets"; @import "bootstrap-sass-official/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap"; 
  3. application.js

    +//= require angular/angular  -//= require turbolinks 
  4. routes.rb

    +root 'home#index' 
  5. app/controllers/home_controller

    class homecontroller < applicationcontroller     def index     end end 
  6. app/assets/javascripts/

    receta = angular.module('raceta',[ ]) 
  7. app/views/home/index.html.erb

    <div class="container-fluid" ng-app="receta">     <div class="panel panel-success">         <div class="panel-heading">             <h1 ng-if="name">hello, {{name}}</h1>         </div>         <div class="panel-body">             <form class="form-inline">                 <div class="form-group">                     <input class="form-control" type="text" placeholder="enter name" autofocus ng-model="name">                 </div>             </form>         </div>     </div> </div> 

but when run app locally looks , angular doesn't work.

enter image description here

update developer console below reads,

    uncaught ...     error: [$injector:modulerr] failed instantiate module receta due to:     error: [$injector:nomod] module 'receta' not available! either misspelled module name or forgot load it. if registering module ensure specify dependencies second argument. 

i have experience cloud9 , ruby on rails, i've never touched angularjs before. i'm very happy listen tell me i'm doing wrongly :)


this page helped.$injector/nomod

there spelling mistake in "".
raceta -> receta


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