PHP: Slim Framework Exception Handling -

i finished creating api application slim framework, initially, in code use dependency container handle exceptions thrown, code below.

//add container handle exceptions/errors, fail safe , return json $container['errorhandler'] = function ($container) {     return function ($request, $response, $exception) use ($container) {         //format of exception return         $data = [             'message' => $exception->getmessage()         ];         return $container->get('response')->withstatus(500)             ->withheader('content-type', 'application/json')             ->write(json_encode($data));     }; }; 

but instead of throwing 500 server error time add other https reponse code. wonder if on how go that.

public static function decodetoken($token) {     $token = trim($token);     //check ensure token not empty or invalid     if ($token === '' || $token === null || empty($token)) {         throw new jwtexception('invalid token');     }     //remove bearer if present     $token = trim(str_replace('bearer ', '', $token));      //decode token     $token = jwt::decode($token, getenv('secret_key'), array('hs256'));      //ensure jit present     if ($token->jit == null || $token->jit == "") {         throw new jwtexception('invalid token');     }      //ensure user id present     if ($token->data->uid == null || $token->data->uid == "") {         throw new jwtexception("invalid token");     }     return $token; } 

the problem more functions above one, since slim framework decides handle exceptions implicitly, have no access use try catch catch errors

not hard, simple. rewrite code:

container['errorhandler'] = function ($container) {     return function ($request, $response, $exception) use ($container) {         //format of exception return         $data = [             'message' => $exception->getmessage()         ];         return $container->get('response')->withstatus($response->getstatus())             ->withheader('content-type', 'application/json')             ->write(json_encode($data));     }; } 

so code do? pass $response before, , code gets status code $response object , passes withstatus() method.

slim documentation referring status.


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