angularjs - Why is my ui-router state doesn't work? -

i cannot figure out why state works first time index not in appcontainer:

$locationprovider.hashprefix('!').html5mode({             enabled: true,             requirebase: false         });          $stateprovider         .state('app', {             abstract: true,             url: '',             templateurl: 'appcontainer.html'         })         .state('app.stateaaa', {             url: 'aaa',             templateurl: 'aaa.html'         })         .state('app.statebbb', {             url: 'bbb',             templateurl: 'bbb.html'         })         .state('app.stateccc', {             url: 'ccc',             templateurl: 'ccc.html'         }); 


<ul>   <li><a ui-sref="app.stateaaa">aaa</a></li>   <li><a ui-sref="app.statebbb">bbb</a></li>   <li><a ui-sref="app.stateccc">ccc</a></li> </ul>  <ui-view></ui-view> 

have on plunker


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