python - How to use list to force IndexError? -
suppose have matrix list map
, storing objects. per how list works, map[x-1]
yields in map[eleminlist-1]
. apart manually setting boundaries of x if x < 0
, there other workaround?
this trying
for x in range(row): y in range(col): try: print "trying left", map[x][y - 1] map[x][y].neighbors.append(map[x][y - 1]) except indexerror: pass
a b c d e f g h j k l m n o
what i'm trying is, map neighboring elements each position. each positions, i'm trying add left, right, , down suppose i'm @ [1][0]
(f) , trying check if exists left. [1][0 - 1] point j, not i'm trying accomplish.
is you're looking do?
grid = [list('abcde'), list('fghij'), list('klmno')] print grid neigh = [(-1,0), (0,-1), (1,0), (0,1)] nrows, ncols = 3, 5 in range(nrows): j in range(ncols): print 'neighbours of', grid[i][j], ':', (dj, di) in neigh: ni, nj = + di, j + dj if not (0 <= ni < nrows , 0 <= nj < ncols): continue print grid[ni][nj], print neighbours of : b f neighbours of b : c g neighbours of c : b d h neighbours of d : c e neighbours of e : d j neighbours of f : g k neighbours of g : f b h l neighbours of h : g c m neighbours of : h d j n neighbours of j : e o neighbours of k : f l neighbours of l : k g m neighbours of m : l h n neighbours of n : m o neighbours of o : n j
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