ruby on rails - rbenv: command not found in Jenkins execute shell after moving to rbenv from RVM -
i moved rbenv rvm on ubuntu server.
when use rvm, there no trouble using bundle. after moving rbenv got "command not found" error in jenkins' execute shell.
i imploded , removed rvm , removed rvm related lines ~/.bashrc'. still error after using:
rvm implode rm ~/.rvm -rf rm ~/.rvmrc gem install bundler echo 'export path="$home/.rbenv/bin:$path"' >> ~/.bashrc echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> ~/.bashrc . ~/.bashrc rbenv versions jenkins@testserver:~/jobs/myjob/workspace$ rbenv versions * 1.9.3-p374 (set rbenv_version environment variable)
you seem have installed rbenv correctly in shell. however, if jenkins doesn't source ~/.bashrc
well, won't aware there's rbenv on system. in jenkins, have ensure path executing commands includes $home/.rbenv/bin
, $home/.rbenv/shims
there's no need use eval "$(rbenv init -)"
in jenkins; that's useful interactive shells.
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