excel - Import Comma Delimited to Specific WorkSheet -
i trying import comma delimited text file specific sheet in workbook. code have imports it, cant figure out how tell go specific sheets thats created, right creates new sheet , dumps data in there.
the code have
'import report dim vpath variant dim wb excel.workbook dim ws excel.worksheet set wb = excel.activeworkbook set ws = excel.sheets("data") vpath = application.getopenfilename("csv (comma delimited) (*.csv),*.csv" _ , 1, "select file", , false) ''//show file open dialog allow user select csv file if vpath = false exit sub ''//exit macro if no file selected workbooks.opentext filename:=vpath, origin:=xlmsdos, startrow:=1 _ , datatype:=xldelimited, textqualifier:=xldoublequote, comma:=true _ , fieldinfo:=array(array(1, xltextformat), array(2, xltextformat), _ array(3, xltextformat)) ''//the fieldinfo array needs extended match number of columns columns.entirecolumn.autofit ''//resize columns sheets(1).move before:=wb.sheets(1) ''//move data workbook
i think need add like;
somewhere, cant figure out where, everywhere ive tried has caused errors
here start:
sub csv_reader() dim vpath variant dim wb excel.workbook dim ws excel.worksheet dim rng range, textline string dim rw long, col long dim long, j long, ary() string, variant set wb = excel.activeworkbook vpath = application.getopenfilename("csv (comma delimited) (*.csv),*.csv" _ , 1, "select file", , false) msgbox vpath set rng = application.inputbox(prompt:="pick sheet , cell", type:=8) rng.parent.parent.activate rng.parent.activate rw = rng(1).row col = rng(1).column close #1 = rw open vpath input #1 while not eof(1) line input #1, textline ary = split(textline, ",") j = col each in ary cells(i, j).value = j = j + 1 next = + 1 loop close 1 end sub
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