c# - Handle Odata /entityset/key/navigation -
we have project based on dynamicedmmodelcreation project odatasamples-master odata examples. we have set routing convention handle request specific controller: [httpget] [enablequery] public edmentityobjectcollection get() { ... } [enablequery] public iedmentityobject get(string key) { ... } we try example /odata/hotels -> ok! /odata/hotels(1) -> ok! /odata/hotels(1)/room -> response: no routing convention found select action odata path template '~/entityset/key/navigation'. debuging see route convention handle request , redirect our controller no method executed. routing convention is: public class matchroutingconventionservice : iodataroutingconvention { public string selectaction( odatapath odatapath, httpcontrollercontext controllercontext, ilookup<string, httpactiondescriptor> actionmap) { return null; } public string selectcontroller(odatapath odatapath, httprequestmessage request) ...