javascript - Html toggle image and save the last status -

i in process of making page reporting street light faults, , want page open contributions public users.

i need superimpose locations of lighting poles on map image (not google map)

the images bulb 💡 2 different images (on , off)

i want user have ability change status of light pole on clicking image. need page save last image selected user, when open page, last status of lighting pole on , off.

i stuck in last part, saving last image selected user.

any suggestions?

first of question kind of implies have working concept of user making selection of bulb (maybe dropdown or something) , can change status either on or off , save changed status.

if working come , ask question of how save process happen during click event , , how proper bulb images show either on or off on initial page load.

since seems not have completed think may best re-write question more need , how going , , code have far.

  • do have appropiate bulbs showing on or off on page load?
  • do have location of bulb ( meaning bulb on map) accessible in javascript on click event?
  • do have api set server side can send id of bulb , status perform save?

after either completed - or asked in question can problems keeping map date when other users make update. getting save happen on actual click, etc


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