java - bitmap set pixel/pixels does not work -
textview loadingtext = (textview)findviewbyid(; loadingtext.settextsize(36); loadingtext.settext("morphing..."); bitmap leftbm = ((bitmapdrawable)leftimage.getdrawable()).getbitmap(); bitmap rightbm = ((bitmapdrawable)rightimage.getdrawable()).getbitmap(); bitmap newbm = leftbm.copy(bitmap.config.alpha_8, true); int[] pixels = new int[newbm.getheight() * newbm.getwidth()]; newbm.getpixels(pixels, 0, newbm.getwidth(), 0, 0, newbm.getwidth(), newbm.getheight()); if (!newbm.ismutable()) { log.d("mutable check", "" + newbm.ismutable()); return; } (int = 0; < newbm.getwidth(); i++) { (int j = 0; j < newbm.getheight(); j++) { newbm.sethasalpha(false); newbm.setpixel(i, j, color.rgb(0, 0, 255)); } } loadingtext.clearcomposingtext(); ((imageview)findviewbyid(;
this code button click method in main activity. ever outputs black image. have done both alpha , without, or using set pixel or set pixels. getting same result.
edit: problem using wrong configuration when using copy method (which using mutable bitmap of image) need alpha_8888 not alpha_8.
its format. set alpha_8. format stores alpha, no color data. user argb_8888 instead- 8 bits per color channel , 8 bit alpha.
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