php - How to change the wordpress footer background color? -

i creating website in wordpress. using lifeline webanine charity theme. header style using header social icon.i trying change both background color of top bar , footer black other color. can me out? code of header , footer given bellow


<?php $settings = get_option( sh_name ); ?>  <!doctype html>  <html <?php language_attributes(); ?>>      <head>  		<?php echo ( sh_set( $settings, 'site_favicon' ) ) ? '<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="' . sh_set( $settings, 'site_favicon' ) . '">' : ''; ?>          <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />          <title>   			<?php  			if ( is_home() || is_front_page() ) {  				echo get_bloginfo( 'name' );  			} else {  				wp_title( '' );  			}  			?>          </title>          <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=0.5">            <!--[if lt ie 9]>          <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/css/ie.css" />          <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/js/html5shiv.js"></script>          <![endif]-->  		<?php wp_head(); ?>        </head>  	<?php  	$res_settings = sh_header_settings( $settings );  	$custom_sticky_header_class = (sh_set( $settings, 'sh_custom_stickey_menu' ) == 'true') ? 'sticky' : '';  	?>      <body <?php body_class( sh_set( $res_settings, 'pattern' ) ); ?> style=" <?php echo sh_set( $res_settings, 'pattern_image' ); ?>">  		<?php echo donation_box(); ?>          <div class="theme-layout <?php  		if ( sh_set( $settings, 'boxed_layout_status' ) == 'true' ): echo 'boxed';  		endif;  		?>" style=" <?php echo sh_set( $res_settings, 'width' ); ?>">              <div id="top-bar">                  <div class="container">                      <ul>  						<?php echo ( sh_set( $settings, 'header_address' ) ) ? '<li><i class="icon-home"></i>' . sh_set( $settings, 'header_address' ) . '</li>' : ''; ?>  						<?php echo ( sh_set( $settings, 'header_phone_number' ) ) ? '<li><i class="icon-phone"></i><a href="' . esc_url( sh_set( $settings, 'header_phone_number_link' ) ) . '" title="">' . sh_set( $settings, 'header_phone_number' ) . '</a></li>' : ''; ?>  						<?php echo ( sh_set( $settings, 'header_email_address' ) ) ? '<li><i class="icon-envelope"></i><a href="' . esc_url( sh_set( $settings, 'header_email_link' ) ) . '" title="">' . sh_set( $settings, 'header_email_address' ) . '</a></li>' : ''; ?>                      </ul>                      <div class="search-box">                          <form action="<?php echo home_url(); ?>" method="get">                              <input class="submit-button" type="submit" value="" >                              <input class="search-input" type="text" name="s" placeholder="<?php _e( 'search', sh_name ); ?>" value="<?php echo get_search_query(); ?>">                          </form>                      </div>                  </div>              </div>              <!--top bar-->                <header class="default-header <?php echo $custom_sticky_header_class; ?>">                  <div class="container">                      <div class="logo">   						<?php  						if ( sh_set( $settings, 'logo_text_status' ) === 'true' ) {  							$logostyle = sh_get_font_settings(  									array( 'logo_text_font_size' => 'font-size',  								'logo_text_font_family' => 'font-family',  								'logo_text_font_style' => 'font-style',  								'logo_text_color' => 'color' ), ' style="', '"' );  							$logo = $settings['logo_text'];  						} else {  							$logostyle = '';  							$logoimagestyle = ( sh_set( $settings, 'logo_width' ) || sh_set( $settings, 'logo_height' ) ) ? ' style="' : '';  							$logoimagestyle .= ( sh_set( $settings, 'logo_width' ) ) ? ' width:' . sh_set( $settings, 'logo_width' ) . 'px;' : '';  							$logoimagestyle .= ( sh_set( $settings, 'logo_height' ) ) ? ' height:' . sh_set( $settings, 'logo_height' ) . 'px;' : '';  							$logoimagestyle .= ( sh_set( $settings, 'logo_width' ) || sh_set( $settings, 'logo_height' ) ) ? '"' : '';  							$logo = '<img src="' . sh_set( $settings, 'logo_image' ) . '" alt=""' . $logoimagestyle . ' />';  						}  						?>                          <a href="<?php echo home_url(); ?>" title="<?php bloginfo( 'name' ); ?>"<?php echo $logostyle; ?>>  							<?php if ( sh_set( $settings, 'logo_text_status' ) === 'true' )  ?> <h1 <?php echo $logostyle; ?>>  								<?php echo $logo; ?>  								<?php if ( sh_set( $settings, 'logo_text_status' ) === 'true' )  ?> </h1>                          </a>  						<?php  						if ( sh_set( $settings, 'logo_text_status' ) === 'true' && sh_set( $settings, 'site_salogan' ) ) {  							$saloganstyle = sh_get_font_settings( array( 'salogan_font_size' => 'font-size', 'salogan_font_family' => 'font-family', 'salogan_font_style' => 'font-style' ), ' style="', '"' );  							echo '<p' . $saloganstyle . '>' . sh_set( $settings, 'site_salogan' ) . '</p>';  						}  						?>                      </div>                      <!-- logo -->                      <nav class="menu">  						<?php wp_nav_menu( array( 'theme_location' => 'main_menu', 'menu_class' => '', 'container' => null, 'menu_id' => 'menu-navigation', 'fallback_cb' => false, 'walker' => new sh_megamenu_walker ) ); ?>                      </nav>                  </div>              </header>  			<?php sh_responsive_menu() ?>               <!--header-->

</div>  <?php  $settings = get_option( sh_name );    if ( sh_set( $settings, 'show_footer' ) == 'true' ):    	$footerstyle = ' style="';  	$footerstyle .= ( isset( $settings['footer_font_family'] ) && !empty( $settings['footer_font_family'] ) ) ? 'font-family:' . $settings['footer_font_family'] . ';' : '';  	$footerstyle .= ( sh_set( $settings, 'footer_bg' ) ) ? 'background-image:url(' . sh_set( $settings, 'footer_bg' ) . ');' : '';  	$footerstyle .= '"';  	?>    	<footer<?php echo $footerstyle; ?>>  		<div class="container">  			<div class="row">  				<?php dynamic_sidebar( 'footer-sidebar' ); ?>  			</div>  		</div>  	</footer>    	<?php  endif;  ?>        <div class="footer-bottom">        <div class="container">            <p><?php echo stripslashes( sh_set( $settings, 'footer_copyright' ) ); ?><span> rights reserved.</span> </p>    		<?php dynamic_sidebar( 'footer-right' ); ?>        </div>    </div>    <?php wp_footer(); ?>  <script type="text/javascript">stripe.setpublishablekey('<?php echo stripe_public_key; ?>');</script>    </body>    </html>

just go ahead css. take class name of outer div in header , footer give appropriate color. or reply code of header , footer.php


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