swift - I would like to convert an NSImage into an mp4 -
adam jensen has done fantastic job @ crafting swift code convert image mov.
the above works great, job device more cpu , real storage average ipad need run under os x. easier said done.
first got no uikit, replaced cocoa. no uiimage, replaced nsimage. making stab in dark corrections; fixed/skipped reduced 31 errors down 5. need bit.
func fillpixelbufferfromimage(image: nsimage, pixelbuffer: cvpixelbuffer, contentmode:uiviewcontentmode){ cvpixelbufferlockbaseaddress(pixelbuffer, 0) let data = cvpixelbuffergetbaseaddress(pixelbuffer) let rgbcolorspace = cgcolorspacecreatedevicergb() let context = cgbitmapcontextcreate(data, int(self.outputsize.width), int(self.outputsize.height), 8, cvpixelbuffergetbytesperrow(pixelbuffer), rgbcolorspace, cgimagealphainfo.premultipliedfirst.rawvalue) cgcontextclearrect(context, cgrectmake(0, 0, cgfloat(self.outputsize.width), cgfloat(self.outputsize.height))) let horizontalratio = cgfloat(self.outputsize.width) / image.size.width let verticalratio = cgfloat(self.outputsize.height) / image.size.height var ratio: cgfloat = 1 switch(contentmode) { case .scaleaspectfill: ratio = max(horizontalratio, verticalratio) case .scaleaspectfit: ratio = min(horizontalratio, verticalratio) default: ratio = min(horizontalratio, verticalratio) } let newsize:cgsize = cgsizemake(image.size.width * ratio, image.size.height * ratio) let x = newsize.width < self.outputsize.width ? (self.outputsize.width - newsize.width) / 2 : 0 let y = newsize.height < self.outputsize.height ? (self.outputsize.height - newsize.height) / 2 : 0 cgcontextdrawimage(context, cgrectmake(x, y, newsize.width, newsize.height), image.cgimage) cvpixelbufferunlockbaseaddress(pixelbuffer, 0) }
i got cgiimage
loaded directly quartz2d
let realurl = nsurl(string: urlstring) if let image = cgimagesourcecreatewithurl(realurl!, nil) { var pixelbuffer: cvpixelbuffer? = nil let status: cvreturn = cvpixelbufferpoolcreatepixelbuffer(kcfallocatordefault, pixelbufferadaptor.pixelbufferpool!, &pixelbuffer) if let pixelbuffer = pixelbuffer status == 0 { let managedpixelbuffer = pixelbuffer
but need in understanding how extract pixels in populate pixelbuffer
me thinks. start that?
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