Azure - Creating a queue keep returns "(400) bad request" -

i trying create new storage queue azure keeps crash without explanation, creating tables worked fine, relevant code:

        private cloudtable usertable;         private cloudtable pettable;         private cloudqueue healingqueue;          public override bool onstart()         {             cloudstorageaccount storageaccount = cloudstorageaccount.parse(cloudconfigurationmanager.getsetting("connectionstring"));             cloudtableclient tableclient = storageaccount.createcloudtableclient();             usertable = tableclient.gettablereference("users");             usertable.createifnotexists();             pettable = tableclient.gettablereference("pets");             pettable.createifnotexists();              // create queue: //             cloudqueueclient queueclient = storageaccount.createcloudqueueclient();             healingqueue = queueclient.getqueuereference("healqueue");             healingqueue.createifnotexists(); // line makes code crash.         } 

code crashes in line healingqueue.createifnotexists(); explanation of (400) bad request

tables created fine assume there no problem storage account, ideas can do?

the problem in following line of code:

healingqueue = queueclient.getqueuereference("healqueue"); 

essentially reason you're getting error because choosing invalid name queue. try using healqueue (all lowercase).

please see link queue naming rules:


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