Javascript to display image center screen on event -
i'm writing script wait put in code (up down down left right left right b a) play sound , display gif centered on screen, removed when gif done playing.
my problem don't know how display gif without document.body.appendchild() places @ bottom left of site. also, don't know how make go away when done.
if (window.addeventlistener) { var keys = [], sequence = "38,38,40,40,37,39,37,39,66,65"; window.addeventlistener("keydown", function(e) { keys.push(e.keycode); if (keys.tostring().indexof(sequence) >= 0) { // such as: var iga = document.createelement("img"); iga.src = ""; document.body.appendchild(iga); var audio = new audio('');; keys = []; }; }, true); };
there multiple possible solutions, without seeing page code (and assuming you're trying in vanilla javascript) solution that's universal use javascript set image's position property absolute, , position image retrieving screen dimensions.
var winw = 630, winh = 460; if (document.body && document.body.offsetwidth) { winw = document.body.offsetwidth; winh = document.body.offsetheight; } if (document.compatmode=='css1compat' && document.documentelement && document.documentelement.offsetwidth ) { winw = document.documentelement.offsetwidth; winh = document.documentelement.offsetheight; } if (window.innerwidth && window.innerheight) { winw = window.innerwidth; winh = window.innerheight; } console.log('window center x = '+(winw/2)); console.log('window center y = '+(winh/2));
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