php - My Slim API gives me a 404 error page -

i'm making api angular app allow me access database slim. followed tutorial

i have 'angularjs' folder. in it, have index.html file, 'api' folder api, 'app' folder, angular app, , 'assets' folder css, img , other js file.

i installed slim in 'api' folder composer (it created vendor folder) , have 'index.php' file next vendor folder.

my 'index.php' file (in api folder) looks far:

<?php require 'vendor/autoload.php';  $app = new \slim\app;  $app->get('/types', 'gettypes'); $app->get('/types/:id', 'gettypebyid');  $app->run();  function db_connection() {       $dbhost = "localhost";     $dbuser = "kevdug_portfolio";     $dbpass = "*****************";     $dbname = "portfolio";     $dbh = new pdo("mysql:host=$dbhost;dbname=$dbname", $dbuser, $dbpass);       $dbh->setattribute(pdo::attr_errmode, pdo::errmode_exception);     return $dbh; }  function gettypes() {     $sql = "select * pt_type";     try {         $db = db_connection();         $stmt = $db->query($sql);           $list = $stmt->fetchall(pdo::fetch_obj);         $db = null;         echo json_encode($list);     } catch(pdoexception $e) {         echo '{"error":{"text":'. $e->getmessage() .'}}';      } }  function gettypebyid($id) {     $sql = "select * pt_type id=".$id;     try {         $db = db_connection();         $stmt = $db->query($sql);           $list = $stmt->fetchall(pdo::fetch_obj);         $db = null;         echo json_encode($list);     } catch(pdoexception $e) {         echo '{"error":{"text":'. $e->getmessage() .'}}';      } }  ?> 

i'm suppose able use api code:

angular.module('appdatabasectrl', []) .controller('databasectrl', ['$scope','$routeparams', '$http', '$log',     function($scope, $routeparams, $http, $log){         $scope.testdatabasetypes = function(){             $http.get('/api/types').success(function(data) {                 $"succes!");                 $log.log(data);             })             .error(function (data, status){                 $log.error("error!");                 $log.log(data);             });         };         $scope.testdatabasetypesbyid = function(){             console.log($;             $http.get('/api/types/' + $ {                 $"succes!");                 $log.log(data);             })             .error(function (data, status){                 $log.error("error!");                 $log.log(data);             });         };     } ]); 

the first function works, second returns me 404 error. can see happen tree url: <--- can id 1 4

it appears using slim v3 (judging $app = new \slim\app;), appears route format of slim v2.

$app->get('/types/:id', 'gettypebyid'); should more $app->get('/types/{id}', gettypebyid);. can provide restrictions accepts $app->get('/types/{id:\d+}', gettypebyid);

edit: using invalid function signature slim v3, why when navigating your example url literal :id instead of number errors. should use function signature like

function gettypebyid(\slim\http\request $req, \slim\http\response $res, $args) {     $id = $args["id"]; // rest of code } 

finally, recommend looking basic sql injection protection tutorials, because if current /types/:id route worked correctly, have sql injection vulnerability. since not target of question, i'll leave warning.


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