Bad Authentication Data QuickBlox - Android -

i working on quickblox sdk , using sdk trying login on facebook . have visited helpfull links on stackoverflow this , didn't me . here code snippet .

qbauth.createsession(new qbentitycallbackimpl<qbsession>() {     @override     public void onsuccess(qbsession session, bundle params) {         string token = session.gettoken();         qbusers.signinusingsocialprovider(qbprovider.facebook, token, null, new qbentitycallbackimpl<qbuser>() {             @override             public void onsuccess(qbuser user, bundle args) {                 toast.maketext(getapplicationcontext() , "success" ,toast.length_short).show();             }             @override             public void onerror(list<string> errors) {                 toast.maketext(getapplicationcontext() , "onerror" ,toast.length_short).show();             }         });     }     @override     public void onerror(list<string> errors) {      } }); 

logcat details :

access-control-allow-origin=*     cache-control=no-cache     connection=keep-alive     content-length=38     content-type=application/json; charset=utf-8     date=sat, 16 jan 2016 08:14:28 gmt     qb-token-expirationdate=2016-01-16 10:14:03 utc     quickblox-rest-api-version=0.1.1     server=nginx/1.8.0     status=422 unprocessable entity     x-rack-cache=invalidate, pass     x-request-id=c350c40caa43dae4fa962da7f2e8e389     x-runtime=0.132058     x-ua-compatible=ie=edge,chrome=1   body     '{"errors":["bad authentication data"]}' 

you use wrong token

it should facebook token

please use guide integrate facebook sdk app


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