PHP loop listen for user input -

i have php script run on console.

while(1) {  dostuff();  sleep(2); } 

i need accept input console. don't want loop stop each time , wait me input text.

what want while loop continue normal, if type in console, php script able read text , update variable.

can done ?

you can non-blocking i/o. you'll need stream_set_blocking method , stream_select:

stream_set_blocking(stdin, false);  while (1) {     dostuff();      $readstreams = [stdin];     $timeout = 2;      // stream_select block $timeout seconds or until stdin     // contains data read.     $numberofstreamswithdata = stream_select(         $readstreams,         $writestreams = [],         $except = [],         $timeout     );      if ($numberofstreamswithdata > 0) {         $userinput = fgets(stdin);          // process $userinput see fit     } else {         // no user input; repeat loop normal     } } 


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