bash - parsing a file with a column of key/value pairs -

i trying parse tab delimited file last column has variable number of key-value pairs separated semicolon. here example

ab cd ef as=2;sd=5;df=12.3 gh ij kl sd=23;df=55 mn op qr as=24;df=77 

i want print 2nd column , value associated key "sd" expected output should be

cd 5 ij 23 

can in bash?

the problem here key-value column has variable no of entries target key have different positions in different rows.

i can grep values of given key

grep -o 'sd=[^;]*' file.txt  

but can not print other column values @ same time

awk rescue!

$ awk -v k="sd=" '{n=split($nf,a,";");                    for(i=1;i<=n;i++)                         if(a[i]~k)                            {sub(k,$2" ",a[i]);                            print a[i]}}' file      cd 5 ij 23 

if key not fixed length anchoring on left better idea. change a[i]~k a[i]~"^"k


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