java - How to find if HL7 Segment has ended or not if Carriage return is not present -

i working on tool construct hl7 message in following way :

message start : 0b segment end : od , message end : 1c0d

so, here have reached far, able add ob , add 1c0d in end of hl7 message. able add od before @ end of segment. accomplishing of code check if character before segment name 0d or not.

but issue if text in message| code add 0d before pid| not correct should check if start of segment or not.

please if has worked on similar requirement.

link code : arraylist sublist indexoutofbounds exception

thanks in advance

i had time @ problem. far understand, have piece of code generates hl7v2 segments , want create message following delimiters:

  1. segment delimiter: 0x0d (or 13 in ascii), carriage return. it's segment separator, per hl7v2 standard;
  2. message start delimiter: 0x0b (ascii 11 - vertical tab);
  3. message finish delimiter: 0x1c0d. guess value supposed concatenation of 0x1c (ascii 28 - file separator) , 0x0d (ascii 13 - carriage return).

with #1 hl7v2 messages standard-compliant. #2 , #3 able define delimiters message can processed , parsed later custom processor.

so took shot writing simple code , here's result:

public class app  {     public static void main( string[] args ) throws exception     {         string msg = "msh|^~\\&|his|rih|ekg|ekg|199904140038||adt^a01||p|2.5" +                      "pid|0001|00009874|00001122|a00977|smith^john^m|mom|19581119|f|notreal^linda^m|c|564 spring st^^needham^ma^02494^us" +                      "al1||sev|001^pollen";          string[] segments = msg.split("(?=pid|al1)");         system.out.println("initial message:");         (string s : segments)             system.out.println(s);          byte hexstartmessage = 0x0b;         byte hexfinishmessage1 = 0x1c;         byte hexfinishmessage2 = 0x0d;         byte hexfinishsegment = 0x0d;          string finalmessage = byte.tostring(hexstartmessage) +                  intersperse(segments, hexfinishsegment) +                  byte.tostring(hexfinishmessage1) +                  byte.tostring(hexfinishmessage2);          system.out.println("\nfinal message:\n" + finalmessage);                }      public static string intersperse(string[] segments, byte delimiter) throws unsupportedencodingexception {         // uncomment line if wish show delimiter in output         //system.out.printf("byte delimiter: %s", string.format("%04x", (int)delimiter));         stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder();         string defaultdelimiter = "";         (string segment : segments) {             sb.append(defaultdelimiter).append(segment);             defaultdelimiter = byte.tostring(delimiter);         }         return sb.tostring();     } } 

i picked simple hl7v2 message , splitted in segments, according segments (name) used in message, of regex lookahead strategy. means that, messages you'll need know segments going used (you can standard).

i interspersed segment delimiter between each segment (at end) , added message start , end delimiters. in case, message end delimiters, used 0x1c , 0x0d values separated, if need use single value need change final appends.

here's output:

initial message: msh|^~\&|his|rih|ekg|ekg|199904140038||adt^a01||p|2.5 pid|0001|00009874|00001122|a00977|smith^john^m|mom|19581119|f|notreal^linda^m|c|564 spring st^^needham^ma^02494^us al1||sev|001^pollen  final message: 11msh|^~\&|his|rih|ekg|ekg|199904140038||adt^a01||p|2.5 pid|0001|00009874|00001122|a00977|smith^john^m|mom|19581119|f|notreal^linda^m|c|564 spring st^^needham^ma^02494^us al1||sev|001^pollen2813 

as see, final message begins value 11 (0x0b) , ends 28 (0x1c) , 13 (0x0d). 13 (0x0d) @ end of each segment not shown because java's system.out.println() recognizes being '\r' character , starts new line because i'm running in mac os x. if try intersperse segments other character (ex: 0x25 = '%') you'll notice final message printed in single line:

11msh|^~\&|his|rih|ekg|ekg|199904140038||adt^a01||p|2.5%pid|0001|00009874|00001122|a00977|smith^john^m|mom|19581119|f|notreal^linda^m|c|564 spring st^^needham^ma^02494^us%al1||sev|001^pollen2813  

if run in ubuntu, see message in 1 line segment delimiter:

11msh|^~\&|his|rih|ekg|ekg|199904140038||adt^a01||p|2.513pid|0001|00009874|00001122|a00977|smith^john^m|mom|19581119|f|notreal^linda^m|c|564 spring st^^needham^ma^02494^us13al1||sev|001^pollen2813 


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