SSH: Given a public/private key pair in host generate PuTTY's Pagent necessary files -
want access server (hosted in lonex) trough ssh (for file handling). use putty. safely, use pagent, needs public , private key.
in server, under ssh folder in root directory there 2 files:
id_rsa - has private key. - has public key.
given information, if posible, generate necessary files pagent.
what have tried:
using puttygen import/load local copy of file id_rsa. generated the .ppk file needed pagent. referred .ppk file in connection -> ssh -> auth. in .ppk file appears public , private key. when use putty connect, having generated .ppk added pagent, alert prompts stating not have server's host key cached in registry , shows server's rsa key fingerprint, know not right 1 one shown in pagent. fact alert prompts tells me pagrent key not correct. correct?
- given host has public/private key pair believe should generate local private key given same public key host. not accomplished (i read ssh-keygen commands did not find out how wanted done).
- isp suggested need in link:
not find use given not have form should place public key generated locally me , fact not consider situation have public key generated in host.
- asked isp if possible add public key generated locally me authorized_keys2 file , told me no due fact shared hosting.
your question boils down this:
the fact alert prompts tells me pagrent key not correct. correct?
no; not correct. agent (pageant) set correctly. said,
an alert prompts stating not have server's host key cached in registry , shows server's rsa key fingerprint,
that prompt server's host key, not user's private key. pageant caches user's private key, not host's public key (or public key fingerprint). pageant's purpose hold private key server can identify you; purpose of prompt saw putty allow verify server you're connecting server meant connect (i.e. you're not connecting attacker's machine).
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