fork - Pass variable from a child to parent in KSH -

i have work ksh (yeah hell shell). need use fork, subroutine following:

    #!/bin/ksh      pipe=pipe_$$     pipe_err=pipe_err_$$      export test_fils      $(. ./lancefils.ksh 2>${pipe_err} 1>${pipe}) &     pid_child=$!     echo "nom du fichier pipe: ${pipe}"     echo "processus fils : " $!     wait ${pid_child}      echo "code retour: " $?     echo "sortie standard de proc_fils : " $(cat ${pipe})     echo "sortie d'erreur(s) de proc_fils : " $(cat ${pipe_err})      echo "contenu de test_fils: ${test_fils}"     rm -rf ${pipe} 

content of lancefils.ksh

    #!/bin/ksh      timeout=5      export test_fils      echo "je suis le script fils et j'attends ${timeout} secondes"      echo "nom du pipe du pere ${pipe}"     sleep ${timeout}      test_fils="je suis le fils"     echo "salut c'était bien !!!"     exit 10 

i know not work, btw try find way make works ... in code can see want share test_fils variable between child , parent. there way in ksh share variable, in perl using "share" or if have use pipe in c ?

thank you.

variables can passed parent shell child shell, not other way around. however, can workaround if in need of value set in child shell.

one possible workaround: in child shell, write env variables of interest along values file. once in parent shell, run file env variables needed overwritten set in file. can refer here example.


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