Super basic HTML/CSS formatting -

i working on assignment while teaching myself code.

p.important {    font-size: 1.5em;    font-weight: 900;  }
<p class="important">warning: have no slow lorises here.</p>

this supposed change font size 150% , bold...but it's not working. else in code running way want. can't work. missing something?

if haven't - need specify starting font-size.

when start new css, should set body , html have font-size:100%;. ensure of text 16px starting off. then, when want text 32px, set element's font-size 2em;

body, html {     font-size:100%; //sets default font size 16px; } p.important {     font-size:1.5em; //is relative closest parent font-size 1.5*16 = 24px } 


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