java - I want to search a specific element of an array and if it exists to return its index -

i have created array of type savings contains string (name) , double (account number). want search using account number , see if exist , return elements (name + account number) , index of array contain these elements. tried not work.

import java.util.arrays; import java.util.scanner;  public class main {      public static void main(string[] args){          savings[] arrayofsavings = new savings[5];          system.out.print("enter account number: ");         scanner scan = new scanner(;         double ms = scan.nextdouble();            //loop until length of array           for(int index = 0; index<= arrayofsavings.length;index++){            if(arrayofsavings[index].equals(ms)){              //print index of string on array             system.out.println("found on index "+index);              }           }          arrayofsavings[0] = new savings("giorgos",87654321);         arrayofsavings[1] = new savings("panos",33667850);     }  } 

/savings class/

public class savings extends generic {

public savings(string fn, double an) {      super(fn, an); }  @override  public string tostring(){      return string.format("customer: %s \n acount number: %.1f,              getfirstname(),getaccnumber();  } 


you this, return -1 if doesn't exist, or index if you've found it. have make sure check case.

public static int findsavingsifexists(double accountnumber, savings[] allsavings) {     for(int = 0; < allsavings.length(); i++) {         if(allsavings[i].accountnumber == accountnumber) {             return i;         }     }     return -1; } 

and use so

int index = findsavingsifexists(..., arrayofsavings); if(index != -1) {     savings foundsavings = arrayofsavings[index]; } else {     //not found } 


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