titanium - ACS Appcelerator iOS not receiving push -

i'm trying make push notification working dev/production environment through appcelerator platform. created push certificates (dev/prod) on apple developer platform, exported .p12 file, , uploaded on arrowdb ios push configuration. titanium app , arrowdb seems correctly linked (good keys production , developpement).

from app, device token, successfull return subscribing notifications, , can see appcelerator have 1 ios device linked.

when send push notification appcelerator arrowdb platform, don't receive while appcelerator logs shows successful push.

my code acs notification handling :

var cloud = require('ti.cloud');  var android = ti.platform.name === 'android'; var ios = !android && (ti.platform.name === 'iphone os'); var blackberry = !android && !ios && (ti.platform.name === 'blackberry'); cloud.debug = true;  // optional; if add line, set false production  var devicetoken = null;  // check if device running ios 8 or later if (ti.platform.name == "iphone os" && parseint(ti.platform.version.split(".")[0]) >= 8) {      // wait user settings registered before registering push notifications     ti.app.ios.addeventlistener('usernotificationsettings', function registerforpush() {          // remove event listener once registered push notifications         ti.app.ios.removeeventlistener('usernotificationsettings', registerforpush);           ti.network.registerforpushnotifications({             success: devicetokensuccess,             error: devicetokenerror,             callback: receivepush         });     });      // register notification types use     ti.app.ios.registerusernotificationsettings({         types: [             ti.app.ios.user_notification_type_alert,             ti.app.ios.user_notification_type_sound,             ti.app.ios.user_notification_type_badge         ]     }); }  // ios 7 , earlier else {      ti.network.registerforpushnotifications({         // specifies notifications receive         types: [             ti.network.notification_type_badge,             ti.network.notification_type_alert,             ti.network.notification_type_sound         ],         success: devicetokensuccess,         error: devicetokenerror,         callback: receivepush     }); }  // process incoming push notifications function receivepush(e) {     console.log('received push: ' + json.stringify(e));     alert('received push: ' + json.stringify(e)); } // save device token subsequent api calls function devicetokensuccess(e) {     devicetoken = e.devicetoken; }  function devicetokenerror(e) {     alert('failed register push notifications! ' + e.error); }    function acspush(acsuid, acspwd) {     this.acsuid = acsuid || false;     this.acspwd = acspwd || false; }  acspush.prototype.registerdevice = function(channel_name, onreceive, onlaunched, onfocused, androidoptions, iosoptions, blackberryoptions) {     var = this,         token = '';      function devicetokensuccess(e) {         console.log('device token: ' + e.devicetoken);         token = e.devicetoken;         that.token = token;         logintoacs(that.acsuid, that.acspwd, token, channel_name);     }      function devicetokenerror(e) {         console.log('token error: ' + e.error);     }      function receivepush(e) {         onreceive(e.data);         console.log("push notification received: " + json.stringify(e.data));     }      if (android) {         var cloudpush = require('ti.cloudpush');         cloudpush.retrievedevicetoken({             success : devicetokensuccess,             error : devicetokenerror         });          cloudpush.focusapponpush = androidoptions.focusapponpush || false;         cloudpush.showappontrayclick = androidoptions.showappontrayclick || false;         cloudpush.showtraynotification = androidoptions.showtraynotification || false;         cloudpush.showtraynotificationswhenfocused = androidoptions.showtraynotificationswhenfocused || false;         cloudpush.singlecallback = androidoptions.singlecallback || true;         cloudpush.addeventlistener('callback', onreceive);         cloudpush.addeventlistener('trayclicklaunchedapp', onlaunched);         cloudpush.addeventlistener('trayclickfocusedapp', onfocused);      } else if (ios) {         // check if device running ios 8 or later         if (parseint(ti.platform.version.split(".")[0]) >= 8) {             function registerforpush() {                 ti.network.registerforpushnotifications({                     success : devicetokensuccess,                     error : devicetokenerror,                     callback : receivepush                 });                 // remove event listener once registered push notifications                 ti.app.ios.removeeventlistener('usernotificationsettings', registerforpush);             };              // wait user settings registered before registering push notifications             ti.app.ios.addeventlistener('usernotificationsettings', registerforpush);              // register notification types use             ti.app.ios.registerusernotificationsettings({                 types : iosoptions.types,                 categories : iosoptions.categories             });          } else {             // ios 7 , earlier             ti.network.registerforpushnotifications({                 // specifies notifications receive                 types : iosoptions.types,                 success : devicetokensuccess,                 error : devicetokenerror,                 callback : receivepush             });         }      } else if (blackberry) {         ti.blackberry.createpushservice({             appid : blackberryoptions.appid,             ppgurl : blackberryoptions.ppgurl,             usepublicppg : blackberryoptions.usepublicppg,             launchapplicationonpush : blackberryoptions.launchapplicationonpush,             onsessioncreated : function(e) {                 console.log('session created');             },             onchannelcreated : function(e) {                 console.log('channel created\nmessage: ' + e.message + '\ntoken: ' + e.token);                 token = e.token;                 that.token = token;                 console.log("device token: " + token);                 logintoacs(that.acsuid, that.acspwd, token, channel_name);             },             onpushreceived : function(e) {                 onreceive(e.data);                 e.source.removeallpushes();             },             onconfigerror : function(e) {                 console.log('error\ntitle: ' + e.errortitle + +'\nmsg: ' + e.errormessage);             },             onerror : function(e) {                 console.log('error\ntitle: ' + e.errortitle + +'\nmsg: ' + e.errormessage);             },             onappopened : function(e) {                 onlaunched(e.data);                  e.source.removepush(e.pushid);             }         });     } else {         alert("push notification not implemented yet acspushmod " + ti.platform.osname);     } };  acspush.prototype.unsubscribefromchannel = function(channel_name, token, onsuccess, onfail) {      var = this;     cloud.pushnotifications.unsubscribe({         channel : channel_name,         device_token : token     }, function(e) {         if (e.success) {             onsuccess(e);         } else {             onfail(e);         }     }); };  acspush.prototype.gettoken = function() {     return this.token; }; function logintoacs(acsuid, acspwd, token, channel_name) {     if (!acsuid && !acspwd) {         console.log("logintoacs -> subscribe guest");         subscribeforpushnotifications(token, channel_name, true);         return;     }     cloud.users.login({         login : acsuid,         password : acspwd     }, function(e) {         if (e.success) {             var user = e.users[0];             console.log("logintoacs -> status: successful");             subscribeforpushnotifications(token, channel_name);         } else {                 console.log('acsuid = ' + acsuid + " acspwd = " + acspwd);             console.log("logintoacs -> error :" + e.message);         }     }); };  function subscribeforpushnotifications(token, channel_name, subscribeasguest) {     var prams = {         channel : channel_name,         type : ios ? 'ios' : ti.platform.osname, // osname return iphone / ipad on ios         device_token : token     };     var callback = function(e) {         if (e.success) {             console.log('subscribeforpushnotifications -> status: successful [' + channel_name + ']');         } else {             console.log('subscribeforpushnotifications -> error ' + token + '(subscribetoserverpush) :\\n' + ((e.error && e.message) || json.stringify(e)));         }     };     if (subscribeasguest) {         cloud.pushnotifications.subscribetoken(prams, callback);     } else {         cloud.pushnotifications.subscribe(prams, callback);     } }; 

and code used work before change appcelerator account (migrating client account).

if guys have idea of doing wrong, thankful.

thanks lot !

environment : appcelerator studio, titanium sdk 5.0.0.ga, iphone5s


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