Using a loop to create multiple data frames in R -
hey guys have function returns data frame of json data nba stats website. function takes in game id of game , returns data frame of halftime box score game.
getstats<- function(game=x){ for(i in game){ url<- paste(" endrange=14400&gameid=",i,"&rangetype=2&season=2015-16&seasontype= regular+season&startperiod=1&startrange=0000",sep = "") json_data<- fromjson(paste(readlines(url), collapse="")) df<- data.frame(json_data$resultsets[1, "rowset"]) names(df)<-unlist(json_data$resultsets[1,"headers"]) } return(df) }
so function take vector of several game id's , create separate data frame each one. example:
gameids<- as.character(c(0021500580:0021500593))
i want take vector "gameids", , create fourteen data frames. if knew how go doing appreciated! thanks!
you can save data.frames list setting function follows:
getstats<- function(games){ listofdfs <- list() #create list in intend save df's. for(i in 1:length(games)){ #loop through numbers of id's instead of id's #you going use games[i] instead of id url<- paste(" endrange=14400&gameid=",games[i],"&rangetype=2&season=2015-16&seasontype= regular+season&startperiod=1&startrange=0000",sep = "") json_data<- fromjson(paste(readlines(url), collapse="")) df<- data.frame(json_data$resultsets[1, "rowset"]) names(df)<-unlist(json_data$resultsets[1,"headers"]) listofdfs[[i]] <- df # save dataframes list } return(listofdfs) #return list of dataframes. } gameids<- as.character(c(0021500580:0021500593)) getstats(games = gameids)
please note not test because urls not seem working properly. connection error below:
error in file(con, "r") : cannot open connection
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