Drawing a Line in InDesign CS5.5 using ExtendScript -

i know how draw line on indesign using extended script like

pseudo code

for(x = 0; x < 5; x++){     drawline(the x value startline, y-value startline, length, color); } 

any appreciated.

thank you

try script. https://github.com/fabiantheblind/extendscript/wiki/graphic-lines.

var data = {         "pw":100,         "ph":100,         "anchors":[             [  0,50],             [ 10,60],             [ 20,40],             [ 30,60],             [ 40,40],             [ 50,60],             [ 60,40],             [ 70,60],             [ 80,40],             [ 90,60],             [100,50]         ]     }; // need doc. // use pw , ph data. var doc = app.documents.add({             documentpreferences:{                 pageheight:data.ph,                 pagewidth:data.pw             }     });  // page there. var page = doc.pages.item(0); // create graphicline. var gl = page.graphiclines.add();  // loop through data.anchors. for(var in data.anchors){     var point = gl.paths[0].pathpoints[i];     /**      * graphicline has 2 path points      * need add points third      * anchor data object      */     if(i < 2){         point.anchor = data.anchors[i];     }else{         point = gl.paths[0].pathpoints.add();         point.anchor =  data.anchors[i];      }          if((i != data.anchors.length - 1)&& i!=0)         point.rightdirection = data.anchors[i-1];         point.leftdirection = data.anchors[i];     }  


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