vim - when using plugin cvim, \if meas insert a function with comments. but the format is wrong -

well, title says. following looks in c++ source code:

  1    2 /*                                     3 * ===  function  =============================================================   4 *         name:  sample_function       5 *  description:   6     * =============================================================================   7     */   8     void sample_function ( <+argument_list+> )                                                                                                                          9     {  10         return <+return_value+>;  11     }       /* -----  end of function sample_function  ----- */ 

when looked c-support/templates/cpp.idioms.template or c-support/templates/c.idioms.template right.

it seems when insert template code ,vim format again itself.

can me?

the automatic indenting interferes way template inserted. should report issue plugin's author.

you can temporarily work around problem turning off indenting; depending on indent settings 1 of:

:set nocindent noautoindent nosmartindent indentexpr= 


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