Skipping Read URL data of IP Camera in MS Access Which is not Active C# -

i have problem. have database contains urls of ip cameras. program read of urls database. additionally, exclude urls of cameras inactive. if program connects url of inactive camera, hangs. use emgu cv image processing. these have done.

string koneksi = @"provider=microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0; data source=d:\dokumen\alfon\ta alfon\cobafitur\sistemparkir.accdb;                                       persist security info=false";  private void prosessemuakamera() {   oledbconnection kon = new oledbconnection(koneksi);   oledbcommand commandurl = kon.createcommand();;   string selectsemuaurl = "select * datakamera";   commandurl.commandtext = selectsemuaurl;   oledbdatareader prosessemuaurl = commandurl.executereader();    while (   {     capturesemuakamera = new capture(prosessemuaurl["urlkamera"].tostring()); //(352x288)     application.idle += processframesemuakamera;     prosescapture = !prosescapture;   }   kon.close(); } 


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