javascript - Getting Error TypeError: onOk is not a function -

i want create conformation dialog, conform before sending data database, getting typeerror: onok not function, onok() defined confirmservice, please check it.

  app.directive('confirmdialog', function(confirmservice) {       return {           restrict: 'a',           scope: {               eventhandler: '&ngclick'           },           link: function(scope, element, attrs){             element.unbind("click");             element.bind("click", function(e) {     , scope.eventhandler, 'confirm_dialog');             });           }       }   });    app.service('confirmservice', function($modal) {     var service = {}; = function (text, onok, dialog_type) {       var modalinstance = ${         templateurl: 'templates/dialog.html',         controller: 'confirmctrl',         resolve: {           text: function () {             return text;           }         }       });        modalinstance.result.then(function (selecteditem) {         onok();       }, function () {       });     };         return service;   })    app.controller('confirmctrl', function ($scope, $modalinstance, text) {     $scope.text = text;     $scope.ok = function () {       $modalinstance.close(true);     };      $scope.cancel = function () {       $modalinstance.dismiss('cancel');     };   }); 

you have not shown how using directive, have lot of doubts ever work, ngclick directive, not function, , seem passing onok parameter in service.

scope: {     eventhandler: '&ngclick' }, 


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