pull artifactory docker image -

i not able pull artifactory docker image using below command

docker pull jfrog-docker-reg2.bintray.io/jfrog/artifactory-pro:latest 

it ends below error

error response daemon: invalid registry endpoint https://jfrog-docker-reg2.bintray.io/v0/: unable ping registry endpoint https://jfrog-docker-reg2.bintray.io/v0/ v2 ping attempt failed error: https://jfrog-docker-reg2.bintray.io/v2/: dial tcp i/o timeout  v1 ping attempt failed error: https://jfrog-docker-reg2.bintray.io/v1/_ping: dial tcp i/o timeout. if private registry supports http or https unknown ca certificate, please add `--insecure-registry jfrog-docker-reg2.bintray.io` daemon's arguments. in case of https, if have access registry's ca certificate, no need flag; place ca certificate @ /etc/docker/certs.d/jfrog-docker-reg2.bintray.io/ca.crt 

what shall here? why asking certificate? , if access link of jfrog repo, asks username , password. how can image.

i following official link of artifactory this.https://www.jfrog.com/confluence/display/rtf/running+with+docker. searched on net no solution.


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