Accessing attributes added via $meta in a MongoDB query -

i'm having difficulty accessing attributes added when performing weighted search:

post.collection     .find(         { $text: { $search: 'whatever }},         { score: { $meta: 'textscore' } }     )     .sort(         { score: { $meta: 'textscore' } }     )     .exec(function(error, results) {         console.log(results[0].score)  // returns undefined     }) 

if console.log individual result, can see score attribute:

{     title: 'test post 6',     content: 'keyword keyword keyword keyword keyword keyword',     score: 3.9375,     __v: 0,     slug: 'test-post-6',     _id: 569a4f33fad6dfc724e02508 } 

but accessing value via .score or key ['score'] returns undefined.

how can access score meta attribute?

i using underscore in code, leveraged _.getkeys() view of keys on result. there's 2 keys, get() , getvalue() available can used return score:

post.collection     .find(         { $text: { $search: 'whatever }},         { score: { $meta: 'textscore' } }     )     .sort(         { score: { $meta: 'textscore' } }     )     .exec(function(error, results) {         console.log(results[0].getvalue('score'))     }) 

just reference, here available keys on mongodb 3.0.8 result object:

[ '$__',   'isnew',   'errors',   '_doc',   '$__original_save',   'save',   '_pres',   '_posts',   'db',   'discriminators',   '__v',   '_',   'list',   'content',   'title',   'slug',   'id',   '_id',   'schema',   'collection',   'getupdatehandler',   '$__handlesave',   '$__save',   '$__delta',   '$__version',   'increment',   '$__where',   'remove',   'model',   'on',   'once',   'emit',   'listeners',   'removelistener',   'setmaxlisteners',   'removealllisteners',   'addlistener',   '$__builddoc',   'init',   '$__storeshard',   'hook',   'pre',   'post',   'removepre',   'removepost',   '_lazysetuphooks',   'update',   'set',   '$__shouldmodify',   '$__set',   'getvalue',   'setvalue',   'get',   '$__path',   'markmodified',   'modifiedpaths',   'ismodified',   '$isdefault',   'isdirectmodified',   'isinit',   'isselected',   'validate',   '$__validate',   'validatesync',   'invalidate',   '$markvalid',   '$isvalid',   '$__reset',   '$__dirty',   '$__setschema',   '$__getarraypathstovalidate',   '$__getallsubdocs',   '$__registerhooksfromschema',   '$__handlereject',   '$toobject',   'toobject',   'tojson',   'inspect',   'tostring',   'equals',   'populate',   'execpopulate',   'populated',   'depopulate',   '$__fullpath' ] 


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