multithreading - Thread doesn't run like I say it should with GPIOs in Python on RPi -
i creating script on raspberry pi if press button led on button need flashing till press button again. code:
#!/usr/bin/python import rpi.gpio gpio import threading time import sleep gpio.setmode(gpio.bcm) pushbutton = 2 led = 3 gpio.setup(pushbutton, gpio.setup(led, gpio.out) class rpithread(threading.thread): def __init__(self): self.running = false super(rpithread, self).__init__() def start(self): self.running = true super(rpithread, self).start() def run(self): self.running = true while (self.running == true): gpio.output(led, gpio.high) print "high" sleep(0.05) gpio.output(led,gpio.low) print "low" sleep(0.05) def stop(self): self.running = false gpio.output(led, gpio.low) def main(): myrpithread = rpithread() pushed = gpio.input(pushbutton) try: while(true): if(pushed == false): if(gpio.input(pushbutton) == false): sleep(0.5) if(gpio.input(pushbutton) == false): myrpithread.start() pushed = true print "the button pushed" else: if(gpio.input(pushbutton) == true): gpio.output(led, gpio.low) myrpithread.stop() pushed = false print "the button not pushed" except keyboardinterrupt: print "quit" main()
always when run script leds arn't flashing each 0.05 sec. takes 2 seconds before turns on , sometime doesn't flash. dont know doing wrong? can please me figure out problem is?
is possible gpio pins not made use in multithreading?
i followed tutorial when needed use threaded callbacks gpio: how use interrupts python on raspberry pi , rpi gpio. has discussion in comments how avoid using global variables pass value threads.
it helpful know how have button wired, , type of button using answer problem more specifically.
i wrote following example code assuming have button wired gpio 2 +3.3v if have wired ground use "pull_up_down=gpio.pud_down" , "gpio.falling" assumes have momentary push button. when button push detected flips global boolean value. value checked in main loop, , blink(led) function called if pushed = true.
import rpi.gpio gpio time import sleep gpio.setmode(gpio.bcm) pushbutton = 2 led = 3 gpio.setup(pushbutton,, pull_up_down=gpio.pud_down) gpio.setup(led, gpio.out) pushed = false # run in thread when button pushed def button_callback(channel): pushed = not pushed gpio.add_event_detect(pushbutton, gpio.rising, callback=button_callback) while true: if pushed: blink(led) def blink(led): gpio.output(led, true) sleep(0.5) gpio.output(led, false)
i don't have raspberry pi in front of me right test code, check later. may have modify specific set up, gets in right direction.
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