javascript - How can i stop videos when i go to next slide -

website is: can see slider on homepage. when click next slide video continues playing. how can fix it. i'm trying couldnt handle.

website is: can see slider on homepage. when click next slide video continues playing. how can fix it. i'm trying couldnt handle.

 feature slider -------------------------------------------------*/ if ($('.feature-slider').length) {     $('.feature-slider').each(function() {         var t = $(this);         if (!t.hasclass('gallery-post-slider')) {         var animation ='sanimation');         var speed ='speed');         var timeout ='timeout');         var easing ='easing');         var rndn ='rndn');         var rtl = false;         var autoplay ='autoplay');         var items ='items');          var animation_new ='animation_new');         var animation_in ='animation_in');         var animation_out ='animation_out');         var margin = 10;         var auto_height = 0;         var thumbs_event ='thumbs_event');         if(typeof thumbs_event === 'undefined'){             thumbs_event = 'click';         }         if (t.hasclass('no_spaces')) {             margin = 5;             auto_height = 1;         }          t.find('.fs-image-nav .fs-thumb').each(function(i) {                 $(this).addclass( 'item'+i );                     if (t.hasclass('old-style')) {                         $(this).click(function() {                             t.find('.fslides').trigger( 'slideto', [i, 0, true] );                         return false;                         });                     }             });              t.find('.fs-image-nav .fs-thumb.item0').addclass( 'active' );              var carou_items = 6;             if ($(window).width() < 768) {                     carou_items = 5;             }             if ($(window).width() < 568) {                     carou_items = 4;             }              if ($(window).width() < 480 ) {                     carou_items = 2;             }              if ($('body').hasclass('rtl')) {                 rtl = true;             }               if (!t.hasclass('old-style')) {                 var owl = t.find('.fslides');                 var slides_count = owl.children('.fslide').length;                 if (slides_count == 1) {                     t.addclass('fs-with-one-slide');                 }                 if (slides_count > 1) {                 owl.owlcarousel({                     items: 1,                     baseclass: 'mom-carousel',                     rtl: rtl,                     autoplay:autoplay,                     autoplaytimeout:timeout,                     autoplayhoverpause : false,                     loop: true,                     animateout: animation_out,                     animatein: animation_in,                     smartspeed:1000,                     //autoheight: true,                 });             t.find('.fslides').imagesloaded( function() {                  t.find('.fs-image-nav .fs-thumbs').owlcarousel({                     items: items,                     baseclass: 'mom-carousel',                     rtl: rtl,                     loop: true,                     margin : margin,                 });                 //var thumb_height = t.find('.fs-image-nav .fs-thumbs .fs-thumb').eq(0).css('height');                 //t.find('.fs-image-nav .fs-thumbs').css('max-height', thumb_height);                   owl.on('changed.owl.carousel', function(event) {                         var pos = $(".fslide").eq(event.item.index).data('i');                                                //console.log(pos);                         $('.fc-nav-'+rndn+' .fs-thumb').removeclass( 'active' );                         $('.fc-nav-'+rndn+' .fs-thumb.item'+pos).addclass( 'active' );                         var page = math.floor( pos / items );                         t.find('.fs-image-nav .fs-thumbs').trigger( 'to.owl.carousel', page );                 });                   t.find('.fs-image-nav .fs-thumb').on(thumbs_event, function() {                     var = $(this).data('i');                     owl.trigger('to.owl.carousel', [i]);                 });                           t.find('.fs-image-nav .fs-prev, .fsd-prev').click(function() {                     owl.trigger('prev.owl.carousel');                 });                           t.find('.fs-image-nav .fs-next, .fsd-next').click(function() {                     owl.trigger('next.owl.carousel');                 });             });             }             } else {             t.find('.fslides').caroufredsel({                     circular: true,                     responsive: true,                     swipe: {                         ontouch: true,                         fx : 'scroll'                     },                     items: 1,                     auto: {                                              play: autoplay,                                              duration: speed,                                              timeoutduration: timeout,                                              },                     prev: '.fc-nav-'+rndn+' .fs-prev, .fs-dnav-'+rndn+' span.fsd-prev',                     next: '.fc-nav-'+rndn+' .fs-next, .fs-dnav-'+rndn+' span.fsd-next',                     pagination: '.fs-nav-'+rndn,                     scroll: {                         fx: animation,                                                   duration : speed,                                                 easing  : easing,                         pauseonhover : true,                                             onbefore: function() {                             var pos = $(this).triggerhandler( 'currentposition' );                             $('.fc-nav-'+rndn+' div').removeclass( 'active' );                             $('.fc-nav-'+rndn+' div.item'+pos).addclass( 'active' );                             var page = math.floor( pos / carou_items );                             $('.fc-nav-'+rndn+' .fs-thumbs').trigger( 'slidetopage', page );                          },                         onafter: function() {                         }                      }             });              t.find('.fs-image-nav .fs-thumbs').caroufredsel({                         auto: false,                         circular:true,                                         responsive: true,                         swipe: {                             ontouch: true                         },                         items: carou_items,                         scroll: {                             items:carou_items,                         }             });         }          } //if not post gallery      }); 


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