How to make a simple timer image slideshow using HTML and CSS -

i'm trying make simple timer slideshow. image visible amount of seconds (lets 5) , switches image, , repeats. i've searched can't seem work me. amazing

here's tried far. tried 2 images fading in, thing not overlap. 1 above other, , fading animation works, both fade @ exact same time, instead of 1 fading image.

<style> @keyframes cf3fadeinout { 0%  {opacity:1;} 45% {opacity:1;} 55% {opacity:0;} 100% {opacity:0;} }  #cf { animation-name: cf3fadeinout; animation-timing-function: ease-in-out; animation-iteration-count: infinite; animation-duration: 10s; animation-direction: alternate; } </style>  <div id="cf"> <img class="bottom" src="12289696_1526730367649084_3157113004361281453_n.jpg" /> <img class="top" src="11406788_1433347623654026_6824927253890240539_n.jpg" /> </div> 

with 2 image , can @ low cost css animation:

@keyframes cf {    50% {/* @ 50%, avoids alternate mode */      opacity: 0;    }  }    #cf {/* same size image */    height: 300px;    width: 200px;    margin:auto;  }    #cf img {    position: absolute;/* lets stack them */  }    #cf .top {    animation: cf 10s infinite; /* let run ever */  }
<div id="cf">    <img class="bottom" src="" />    <img class="top" src="" />  </div>


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