php - display search result with jquery on smarty template -
i trying display search result in <div>
on smarty template. search result taken click.
the anchor this:
<li class="price-list-item"><a href="javascript:void();" class="price" onclick="searchrange(0,1000)">0-1000</a></li>
and searchrange function this:
function searchrange(first, second) { var first = first; var second = (second != null) ? second : first; $("#ad-display").load("index.php?first="+first+"&second="+second+" #ad-display"); }
the ad-display box written in adlistdisplay.tpl
looks this:
<div id="ad-display"> <section id="add-list"> <ul id="ad-list"> {foreach from=$adverts key=k item=i name=ad_list} <li class="ad-list-item-{cycle values="odd,even"}" id="ad-{$i.aid}"> <div class="ad-item-box"> <div class="ad-item-photo"> <a href="viewad.php?aid={$i.aid}"><img src="adimages/{$i.img}" width="80" height="80"></a> </div> <div class="ad-item-info"> <span class="ad-item-title"><a href="viewad.php?aid={$i.aid}">{$i.title}</a></span> <span class="ad-item-desc">{$i.text|truncate:25}</span> <span class="ad-item-price">kr. {$i.price|number_format:2:",":"."}</span> </div> </div> </li> {/foreach} </ul> </section> </div>
in index.php have code:
$adverts = new adverts(); $smarty->assign('catlist', $adverts->getcategories()); smartypaginate::assign($smarty); if(isset($_get["first"])) { $search = new searchengine(); $smarty->assign('adverts', $search->search_ads(null, "price", $_get["first"], $_get["second"])); } else { $smarty->assign('adverts', $adverts->listadverts()); } $smarty->display('index.tpl');
index.tpl contains this:
{include file="adlistdisplay.tpl"}
when click anchor @ top, shows blank spot @ #ad-display. no results displayed. want display result search_ads function. this:
function search_ads($search_string = null, $type, $min_price = null, $max_price = null) { global $db; global $config; switch($type) { case "text": $search = 'text "%'. $search_string .'%"'; break; case "price": $search = 'price > '. $min_price .' <= '. $max_price .''; break; case "headline": $search = 'title "%'. $search_string .'%"'; break; default: $search = 'price between '. $min_price .' , '. $max_price .''; break; } $row = $db->dbh->query('select ad.*, (select img.image '.$config->db_prefix.'_images img img.aid = ad.aid limit 1) img '.$config->db_prefix.'_adverts ad '. $search .' , ad.approved = 1'); $row->setfetchmode(pdo::fetch_assoc); return $row; }
i have created fiddle show achieve. little different, shows intention
$search = 'price > '. $min_price .' , price <= '. $max_price .'';
solution posted @ bottom of question
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