linux - Qt 5 c++ how to include a file when the path is masked by another path in INCLUDEPATH? -

in application, i'm trying use own build of icu 54.1, on mint 17.2 (which comes icu 52.1). in application's .pri have:

  includepath += $${pwd}/third_party/icu/source/common \                  $${pwd}/third_party/icu/source/i18n \                  $${pwd}/third_party/build/icu/$${build_mode}/common    libs += -l$${pwd}/third_party/build/icu/$${build_mode}/lib   libs += $${pwd}/third_party/build/icu/$${build_mode}/lib/   libs += $${pwd}/third_party/build/icu/$${build_mode}/lib/   libs += $${pwd}/third_party/build/icu/$${build_mode}/lib/ 

in application code, when #include <unicode/regex.h> qt creator tooltip tells me using unicode/regex.h in /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu, mint's version, icu 52.1. want use unicode/regex.h icu 54.1 built, in $${pwd}/third_party/icu/source/i18n.

is there way set preference of icu path on of mint's includes? best-practice way #include files build of icu?

when use #include <....> means include standard location. try use #include "......" instead. i'm not sure may help.


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