android - Checking whether a list item is there in ssharedpreference -

in app use ssharedpreference save list items when clicked on button , retrieving these items activity. in other activity want check if list item present in ssharedpreference or not ,so created method check. if run app, crashes showing nullpointerexception in logcat.

method check ssharedpreference

codelist codes = (codelist) getrritem(position);  private boolean checkarchiveditem(codelist checkcodes) {                     boolean check = false;                     list<codelist> archives = archvprefrnces.getarchives(interactivity.this);                     if (archives != null) {                         (codelist codes : archives) {                             if (codes.equals(checkcodes)) {                                 check = true;                                 break;                             }                         }                     }                     return check;                 }        

this line being mentioned in logcat

list<codelist> archives = archvprefrnces.getarchives(interactivity.this); 

my sharedpreference

public class archivepreferences { public static final string prefs_name = "code_archives"; public static final string archived = "code_archived";  public archivepreferences(){     super(); }  public void savearchives(context context, list<codelist> archives){     sharedpreferences settings;     editor editor;      settings = context.getsharedpreferences(prefs_name,                                             context.mode_private);     editor = settings.edit();      gson gson = new gson();     string jsonarchives = gson.tojson(archives);      editor.putstring(archived, jsonarchives);      editor.commit(); }  public void addarchive(context context, codelist code){     list<codelist> archives = getarchives(context);      if(archives == null)         archives = new arraylist<codelist>();     archives.add(code);     savearchives(context,archives); }  public void removearchive(context context, codelist code) {     arraylist<codelist> archives = getarchives(context);     if (archives != null) {         archives.remove(code);         savearchives(context, archives);     } }   public arraylist<codelist> getarchives(context context) {     sharedpreferences settings;     list<codelist> archives;     //arraylist<codelist> favorites;      settings = context.getsharedpreferences(prefs_name,                                             context.mode_private);      if (settings.contains(archived)) {         string jsonarchives = settings.getstring(archived, null);         gson gson = new gson();         codelist[] archiveitems = gson.fromjson(jsonarchives,                                                  codelist[].class);          archives = arrays.aslist(archiveitems);         archives = new arraylist<codelist>(archives);       } else         return null;      return (arraylist<codelist>) archives;     //return favorites; } } 


01-16 16:38:32.395 22165 22165 d   androidruntime                               shutting down vm 01-16 16:38:32.402 22165 22165 e   androidruntime                               fatal exception: main 01-16 16:38:32.402 22165 22165 e   androidruntime                               process: com.enlightenme.pac, pid: 22165 01-16 16:38:32.402 22165 22165 e   androidruntime                               java.lang.nullpointerexception: attempt invoke virtual method 'java.util.arraylist com.enlightenme.pac.archivepreferences.getarchives(android.content.context)' on null object reference 01-16 16:38:32.402 22165 22165 e   androidruntime                               @ com.enlightenme.pac.interactivity$remotedatatask$100000001.checkarchiveditem( 01-16 16:38:32.402 22165 22165 e   androidruntime                               @ com.enlightenme.pac.interactivity$remotedatatask$100000001.onmenuitemclick( 01-16 16:38:32.402 22165 22165 e   androidruntime                               @ com.baoyz.swipemenulistview.swipemenulistview$100000000.onitemclick( 01-16 16:38:32.402 22165 22165 e   androidruntime                               @ com.baoyz.swipemenulistview.swipemenuview.onclick( 01-16 16:38:32.402 22165 22165 e   androidruntime                               @ android.view.view.performclick( 01-16 16:38:32.402 22165 22165 e   androidruntime                               @ android.view.view$ 01-16 16:38:32.402 22165 22165 e   androidruntime                               @ android.os.handler.handlecallback( 01-16 16:38:32.402 22165 22165 e   androidruntime                               @ android.os.handler.dispatchmessage( 01-16 16:38:32.402 22165 22165 e   androidruntime                               @ android.os.looper.loop( 01-16 16:38:32.402 22165 22165 e   androidruntime                               @ 01-16 16:38:32.402 22165 22165 e   androidruntime                               @ java.lang.reflect.method.invoke(native method) 01-16 16:38:32.402 22165 22165 e   androidruntime                               @ java.lang.reflect.method.invoke( 01-16 16:38:32.402 22165 22165 e   androidruntime                               @$ 01-16 16:38:32.402 22165 22165 e   androidruntime                               @ 

could missed second part there?

archivepreferences archvprefrnces = new archivepreferences();


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