c# - ASP.NET Web APi - Passing an object as parameter -

makeuser method in user controller creating username , password.

[httpget]         public string makeuser(userparameters p)         {             const string chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";             string pass = "";             random r = new random();             (int = 0; < p.number; i++)             {                 pass += chars[r.next(0, 62)];             }              string firsttwoo = p.name.substring(0, 2);             string firstthree = p.surname.substring(0, 3);              return "your username is: " + firsttwoo + firstthree + "\nyour password is: " + pass;         } 

userparameter class sending parameters object.

public class userparameters     {         public int number { get; set; }         public string name { get; set; }         public string surname { get; set; }         } 

runasync method in console client. can pass object method? if yes mistake here? thank you!

static async task runasync()         {             using (var client = new httpclient())             {                 var p = new userparameters();                  console.write("your username: ");                 p.name = console.readline();                 console.write("your surname: ");                 p.surname = console.readline();                 console.write("please type number between 5 , 10: ");                 p.number = int.parse(console.readline());                   client.baseaddress = new uri("http://localhost:4688/");                 client.defaultrequestheaders.accept.clear();                 client.defaultrequestheaders.accept.add(new mediatypewithqualityheadervalue("application/json"));                  //http                 httpresponsemessage response = await client.getasync("api/user?p=" + p);                   if (response.issuccessstatuscode)                 {                     var result = await response.content.readasasync<userparameters>();                     console.writeline("\n*****************************\n\n" + result);                 }             }         } 

your variable p cannot passed query string parameter how have it. populate url , query strings way prefer, have write out rest of query string , access object's properties while building string up.

string querystring = "api/user?name="+p.name+"&surname="+p.surname+"&number="+p.number; httpresponsemessage response = await client.getasync(querystring); 

the makeuser() method need similar below:

[httpget] public string makeuser(string name, string surname, int number)  { } 

i not seeing calling makeuser() method. perhaps in query string parameter need make 'api/makeuser?'.


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