Jquery remove old functions and on click handlers -

i have page button on loads modal.

in modal display data.

this data can example consist of 5 entries of table when entry gets removed, data refreshed. same thing when entry added.

now when close modal clicking outside of , reopen it. functions attached first modal still there , firing. if add entry. ajax , scripts fired/called twice.

code :

            $(document).on('click','.remove_team',function(){                 var tournament_id = $(this).data('tourn');                 $.ajax({                     url :'./organisations/waiting_list/team_assignement.php',                     type :'post',                     data : {                         action : 'remove_team',                         team_id : $(this).data('team'),                         tourn : $(this).data('tourn')                     },                     success : function(){                         loadparticipantlist(tournament_id);                     }                 })             })             function loadparticipantlist(tournament){                 $.ajax({                     url :'./organisations/waiting_list/team_assignement.php',                     type :'post',                     data : {                         action :'fetch_team_participants',                         tournament : tournament                     },success : function(res){                         res = jquery.parsejson(res);                                 $("#counter_"+tournament).html(res.count);                                       $("#div_"+tournament).html(res.teams);                     }                 })             } 

what correct way remove click handler , directly add again ajax fires?

i guess may use unbind, sample:

$("#foo").unbind( "click" ); 



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