Elixir using ExActor is there a way to hibernate depending on conditions -

i learning elixir develop auction web site. have worker each auction, when worker started might go hibernate immediatly, during last n minutes before end of auction don't want worker hibernate each time bid received (tell me if wrong might not efficient).

i have started developing basic genserver otp (handle_call, handle_info ...) , refactoring exactor , fsm (both saša jurić), , trying apply cqrs/es.

is there way achieve using exactor , not going handle_call "basics" ?

i achieve similar :

{:reply, ...} when there less 10 minutes left until auction's end.

{:reply, ..., :hibernate} when there more 10 minutes left until auction's end.

in erlang, hibernation following things:

  • discard process call stack
  • do garbage collection
  • after that, process memory might reduced values lower minimal heap size
  • process wakes on message (if there messages in mailbox, wakes immediately)
  • on waking up, there garbage collection, restores normal process size

hibernation , waking quite cpu intensive , saves small amounts of memory. advice either not use @ or make performance tests see, if gain worth it. if have millions of auction processes , new messages rarely, there might memory gain, don't expect big.

you can switch between hibernate depending on conditions. enough write in normal otp:

case time_left > ten_minutes   true -> {:reply, new_state, :hibernate}   false -> {:reply, new_state} end 

in exactor be:

defcall your_funcion(args), state: state,   ...   case time_left > ten_minutes     true -> set_and_reply(new_state, :hibernate)     false -> set_and_reply(new_state, timeout)   end end 

macros reply take optional argument, either timeout value or :hibernate atom.

ps. might interested in article real time bidding in erlang.


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