ember.js - Ember Set/Save Doesn't Update Computed Properties -

i'm working on simple budgeting app 2 models: category , entries. categories have many entries.

ember 2.2

problem: categories have computed properties total , difference watch associated entries. these computed properties update when entries added , removed, not when entry attributes change.

here category model:

# app/models/category.js export default ds.model.extend({   name:          ds.attr('string'),   budgetamount:  ds.attr('number'),   budgetsheet:   ds.belongsto('budget-sheet'),   entries:       ds.hasmany('entry'),    total: ember.computed('entries.@each.amount', {     get() {       let entries = this.get('entries');        return entries.reduce(function(previousvalue, entry){         return previousvalue + entry.get('amount');       }, 0);     }   }),    difference: ember.computed('budgetamount', 'total', {     get() {       return this.get('budgetamount') - this.get('total');     }   }) }); 

here route:

# app/routes/budget-sheet.js export default ember.route.extend(authenticatedroutemixin, {   model(params) {     return this.store.find('budget-sheet', params.budgetsheetid);   },    setupcontroller(controller, model) {     controller.set('budgetsheet', model);     controller.set('categories', model.get('categories'));   } }); 

here controller actions add/remove/update entries:

# app/controllers/budget-sheet.js export default ember.controller.extend({    entries: ember.computed('categories.@each.entries', {     get() {       let result = [];        this.get('categories').map(function(category) {         category.get('entries').foreach(function(entry) {           return result.push(entry);         });       });        return result;     }   }),    actions: {     ...      updateentry(id, attribute, value) {       let entry = this.store.peekrecord('entry', id);       entry.set(attribute, value);       entry.save();     },      deleteentry(id) {       let entry = this.store.peekrecord('entry', id);       entry.destroyrecord();     }   } }); 

the template iterates through categories , displays computed properties. template has entry-form component responsible sending data functions in controller (addentry, updateentry).

when entry added or removed, template updated. when entry's category changed, template updated. when entry's amount updated, template not update.

you did run this open bug @jeffreyj linked.

but work around replacing

total: ember.computed('entries.@each.amount', { 


total: ember.computed('entries.content.@each.amount', { 

this because entries return promisearray , there @each broken. unter content have actual value, work.


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