io - Java - Moving files within filesystem -

i working on school assignment , doing simple filemanager should move files suffix "jpg" (for example) folder. problem should recursively through folders.

example: in folder "downloads":

--downloads ----me.jpg ----smth.doc ----folder1 ------you.jpg 

and have move .jpg files folder "photos" , create "folder1" there , move file "you.jpg"

this have seems move files "downloads folder"

private void move(string suffix, string sourcepath, string destination) throws ioexception{     file dir = new file(sourcepath);     file destdir = new file(destination);     string src;     string dst;      (file f : dir.listfiles(new extensionfilter(suffix))){         string name = f.getname();         src = f.getabsolutepath();         dst = destination + "\\" + name;         files.createdirectories(paths.get(destination));         files.move(paths.get(src), paths.get(dst));         logs.add("mv;" + src + ";" + dst);     }      (file f : dir.listfiles(new directoryfilter())){         move(suffix, f.getpath(), destination + "\\" + f.getname());         } } 

logs arraylist save log files have been moved

this lot easier using java nio.2 api in combination java 8.

java 8 introduced method files.walk(path) returns stream of paths under given path, recursively:

return stream lazily populated path walking file tree rooted @ given starting file.

a proposed solution following:

private void move(string suffix, path source, path destination) throws ioexception {     files.createdirectories(destination);     files.walk(source)          .filter(p -> p.tostring().endswith(suffix))          .foreach(p -> {              path dest = destination.resolve(source.relativize(p));              try {                  files.createdirectories(dest.getparent());                  files.move(p, dest);              } catch (ioexception e) {                  throw new uncheckedioexception(e);              }          }); } 

this code creates destination path. walks starting source path , filters paths ends given suffix. finally, each of them:

  • source.relativize(p) returns relative path source path.

    for example, on unix, if path "/a/b" , given path "/a/b/c/d" resulting relative path "c/d".

    as such, return part of path under source can copy target path.

  • destination.resolve(other) returns path constructed appending path other path:

    in simplest case, [...], in case method joins given path path , returns resulting path ends given path.

  • so now, have full target path. first need create parent directories files.createdirectories(dir). dest.getparent() returns parent path, say, drops filename path. final step moving source path target path files.move(source, target).

if can't upgrade java 8 yet , keep java 7, can still use files.walkfiletree instead of files.walk (the rest of code need adjustment idea same).


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