java - I need the length of an array element, and then print the last character -

so, today, given school project, , need help.

i need find first , last letter of each element in array, , print it. of java people out there, please tell me function, method, or bit of code need in order this?

one of issues comes when compile , run says charat(a);, tells me cannot take character there, whatever reason.

so, if me work out, i'll grateful, due tonight, , cannot figure out.

thanks much.

/**  * write description of class pokemon here.  *   * @author (your name)   * @version (a version number or date)  */  import java.util.scanner;  public class pokemon { public static void main (string [ ] args) {     scanner scan = new scanner(;      string array [ ] = new string [ 10 ];      array [ 0 ] = "charizard";     array [ 1 ] = "pikachu";     array [ 2 ] = "jigglypuff";     array [ 3 ] = "timburr";     array [ 4 ] = "conkeldurr";     array [ 5 ] = "gurdurr";       system.out.println("------------------------========================------------------------");     system.out.println(" ");     system.out.println("                 .\"-,.__");     system.out.println("                 `.     `.  ,");     system.out.println("            .--'  .._,'\"-' `.");     system.out.println("             .    .'         `'");     system.out.println("             `.   /          ,'");     system.out.println("               `  '--.   ,-\"'");     system.out.println("                `\"`   |  \\");     system.out.println("                   -. \\, |");     system.out.println("                    `--y.'      ___.");     system.out.println("                         \\     l._, \\");     system.out.println("               _.,        `.   <  <\\                _");     system.out.println("             ,' '           `, `.   | \\            ( `");     system.out.println("          ../, `.            `  |    .\\`.           \\ \\_");     system.out.println("         ,' ,..  .           _.,'    ||\\l            )  '\".");     system.out.println("        , ,'   \\           ,'.-.`-._,'  |           .  _._`.");     system.out.println("      ,' /      \\ \\        `' ' `--/   | \\          / /   ..\\");     system.out.println("    .'  /        \\ .         |\\__ - _ ,'` `        / /     `.`.");     system.out.println("    |  '          ..         `-...-\"  |  `-'      / /        . `.");     system.out.println("    | /           |l__           |    |          / /          `. `.");     system.out.println("   , /            .   .          |    |         / /             ` `");     system.out.println("  / /          ,. ,`._ `-_       |    |  _   ,-' /               ` \\");     system.out.println(" / .           \"`_/. `-_ \\_,.  ,'    +-' `-'  _,        ..,-.    \\`.");     system.out.println("  '         .-f    ,'   `    '.       \\__.---'     _   .'   '     \\ \\");     system.out.println("' /          `.'    l     .' /          \\..      ,_|/   `.  ,'`     l`");     system.out.println("|'      _.-\"\"` `.    \\ _,'  `            \\ `.___`.'\"`-.  , |   |    | \\");     system.out.println("||    ,'      `. `.   '       _,...._        `  |    `/ '  |   '     .|");     system.out.println("||  ,'          `. ;.,.---' ,'       `.   `.. `-'  .-' /_ .'    ;_   ||");     system.out.println("|| '              v      / /           `   | `   ,'   ,' '.    !  `. ||");     system.out.println("||/            _,-------7 '              . |  `-'    l         /    `||");     system.out.println(" |          ,' .-   ,' ||               | .-.        `.      .'     ||");     system.out.println(" `'        ,'    `\".'    |               |    `.        '. -.'       `'");     system.out.println("          /      ,'      |               |,'    \\-.._,.'/'");     system.out.println("          .     /        .               .       \\    .''");     system.out.println("        .`.    |         `.             /         :_,'.'");     system.out.println("          \\ `...\\   _     ,'-.        .'         /_.-'");     system.out.println("           `-.__ `,  `'   .  _.>----''.  _  __  /");     system.out.println("                .'        /\"'          |  \"'   '_");     system.out.println("               /_|.-'\\ ,\\\".             '.'`__'-( \\");     system.out.println("                 / ,\\\"'\\\"\\,'               `/  `-.|\"");     system.out.println(" ");     system.out.println("------------------------========charizard========------------------------");      system.out.println(" ");     system.out.println(" ");             system.out.println("items in array:  ");     system.out.println(" ");     system.out.println("0 - " + array [ 0 ]);     system.out.println("1 - " + array [ 1 ]);     system.out.println("2 - " + array [ 2 ]);     system.out.println("3 - " + array [ 3 ]);     system.out.println("4 - " + array [ 4 ]);     system.out.println("5 - " + array [ 5 ]);     system.out.println(" ");     system.out.println(" ");      int = (array [ 0 ]).length();     int b = (array [ 1 ]).length();     int c = (array [ 2 ]).length();     int d = (array [ 3 ]).length();     int e = (array [ 4 ]).length();     int f = (array [ 5 ]).length();       char g = (array [ 0 ]).charat(0);     char h = (array [ 1 ]).charat(0);     char = (array [ 2 ]).charat(0);     char j = (array [ 3 ]).charat(0);     char k = (array [ 4 ]).charat(0);     char l = (array [ 5 ]).charat(0);      char m = (array [ 0 ]).charat(a);     char n = (array [ 1 ]).charat(b);     char o = (array [ 2 ]).charat(c);     char p = (array [ 3 ]).charat(d);     char q = (array [ 4 ]).charat(e);     char r = (array [ 5 ]).charat(f);      system.out.println(array [ 0 ] + "  -  first letter of element: " + g + "    second letter of element: " + m);     system.out.println(array [ 1 ] + "  -  first letter of element: " + h + "    second letter of element: " + n);     system.out.println(array [ 2 ] + "  -  first letter of element: " + + "    second letter of element: " + o);     system.out.println(array [ 3 ] + "  -  first letter of element: " + j + "    second letter of element: " + p);     system.out.println(array [ 4 ] + "  -  first letter of element: " + k + "    second letter of element: " + q);     system.out.println(array [ 5 ] + "  -  first letter of element: " + l + "    second letter of element: " + r); } 


you have use,

    char m = (array [ 0 ]).charat(a-1);     char n = (array [ 1 ]).charat(b-1);     char o = (array [ 2 ]).charat(c-1);     char p = (array [ 3 ]).charat(d-1);     char q = (array [ 4 ]).charat(e-1);     char r = (array [ 5 ]).charat(f-1); 

becuse indexing starts 0 , last letter's index (length-1)

but better use loop this

for(int v=0;v<6;v++){     system.out.println(array [ v ] + "  -  first letter of element: " + array[v].charat(0) + "    second letter of element: " + array[v].charat(array[v].length()-1)); } 


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